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SAP’s complex set-up, training, and usage require an understanding of all of the ERP processes and how they fit together to meet the business’ needs such as the ability to work anywhere and anytime, integrated business units, and consolidated view of information scattered over different departments.


A SAAS-based integrated business solution for single or multi-branch organizations with multi-factor authentication.


  • Streamline process across various departments in an organization

  • Consolidation of reports to merge multiple branches and warehouses

  • Dynamic report builder with a robust SQL query builder that allows the user to design and generate reports on-the-fly

  • Approval process which lets the user know the status of each request and notifies specific users of pending approvals


sail44 software, inc. provided guidance for the installation and use of the SAP ERP solution along with the customer-specific modules to provide:


  • Multi-branch and multi-warehouse support that consolidates the processes of fetching data from multiple branch databases onto one report

  • A custom, multi-user inventory counting software application to count products by bin, row, shelf, and batch number - this app and accompanying procedures improve inventory counting accuracy by over 99% over past paper-based methods

  • Flexibility to manage and reconcile accounts, bank, inventory, purchasing, sales and returns, POS, asset management related activities, and related reports. Reports capabilities are concentrated on retrieving up-to-date data for business intelligence, provide a means of QA by highlighting potential data discrepancies, and planning and forecasting

  • Standardized queries against the complicated backend organization of thousands of database tables to quickly generate reports and spreadsheets of frequently accessed data

  • Facilitates rich functional modules for specific accounting features that include maintaining details on bank transfers, bank portfolios, bank notices and adjustments, and letters of guarantee



  • The system has centralized and streamlined all the processes across various departments of the organizations; one source of truth from a data warehouse set-up without impacting the live ERP database operations

  • Improved transparency and visibility of information across all business units

  • More accurate and up-to-date financial reporting due to integration with each business unit

  • Shortened operational times and improved customer service



  • Tools & Technology: Microsoft ASP MVC, C#, Serenity

  • Reporting Tools: GrapeCity ActiveReports, Wyn Enterprise, Power BI

  • Database: Microsoft SQL-Server

  • Server: Windows Server




To configure Salesforce for organizations so that it is most effective for facilitating their use of sales data, contact tracking, and reporting. Many organizations purchase Salesforce licenses but don’t have the time or experience on how to set it up for their business, nor the insights on what Salesforce can do for them by leveraging their own data.



  • Analyze business procedures and practices with respect to sales

  • Develop specific Salesforce screens, inputs, lookups, and data validation procedures

  • Integrate with BI Tools and ERP backend databases

sail44 software designed and developed multiple Salesforce apps for its clients. Many of the Salesforce implementations included workflows, reports, and client-specific dashboards for each client as well as integration with ERP data including purchase orders, available inventory, repeat business, and client lists. We work with your existing technology stack to ensure a smooth integration, convert your legacy applications to updated apps, and take a hands-on approach to your data migration and integration. Use of Lightning Data Service to load, create, edit, or delete a record in your component without requiring Apex code. Lightning Data Service handles sharing rules and field-level security. In addition to not needing Apex, Lightning Data Service improves performance and user interface consistency.


By facilitating sales processes, planning, and forecasting, clients are able to streamline the entire process of analyzing, identifying real-time statistics, and determine strategic pathways with a complete, integrated solution. Clients draw many benefits that include seamless integrations with accounting and inventory systems that create time savings, fact-based planning, and scheduling that manages sales and quote processes and providing reliable and accurate information that helps in making effective business decisions.



  • Framework: Salesforce Apps, Lightning Components, Visualforce Pages, APEX Code/Triggers and Mobile Apps

  • Databases: Microsoft SQL-Server, Oracle

  • Development Tool: Salesforce Development Platform





Design and develop a product to facilitate data synchronization coming from and going to banks for multiple clients. All related systems are to be synced on a daily basis.


The Core features of the Financial Data Transfer solution include:


Cloud-Based Server Application

  • Uploads raw data to the server database

  • Sends data to clients and banks

  • Retrieves the evaluated data from the client and commits these transactions into the database

  • Allows the administrator to add destinations

  • Manages Due Diligence, Users and Portfolio

  • Import and Export large data files

  • Logs all activity for audit purposes


Desktop-Based Client Application

  • A Windows-based tool which allows the client to schedule or manually launch data transfers

  • Evaluates data and FTPs processed data back to the server

  • Provides the interface for detailed data evaluation and analysis

  • Import and Export data in different formats

  • Configuration of FTP and SMTP accounts and authentication


  • High data integrity by centralizing business logic on an encapsulated server

  • Quick and reliable updates and upgrades to all application users

  • Centralized and scalable interface simplifying the deployment

  • Client-Server architecture improves performance during heavy traffic flows through an efficient load balancing approach

  • Significant cost reduction, saving for developing enterprise applications



  • Server: Microsoft Window Server

  • Web Server: IIS

  • Programming Language: VB.Net, ASP.Net, ASP MVC, C#

  • Framework: Microsoft .Net Framework

  • Database: Microsoft SQL-Server, MS Access




Many companies face problems in coordination of day to day activities as many of the tasks are handled manually and information is distributed over different networks. The quality of service depends on the ability to manage discrete resources in a timely manner. An application that can handle complex internal workflow regardless of isolated branches and departments is necessary, filling the gap into existing workflows, and improve user efficiency.



  • Create a model for database connectivity

  • Bind external list content with the document template

  • Integrate with SharePoint

sail44 software designed and developed a Document Management System, a SharePoint based internet web application and has implemented it for multiple clients. The Document Management system handles workflows, the document library, request handling, and event/appointment management. In each workflow, specific users have permission to carry out specific tasks.


Document Management

  • A Document Library is configured to contain multiple user-defined libraries

  • Each library has predefined permission which can be customized as per the users' requirements

  • An authenticated user can create, upload, and search documents in the libraries

  • It facilitates custom templates for different business processes

  • Route a document for review and back to its owner when the workflow is completed

  • Users can also upload documents, pictures, or videos in their workspaces and share them with other users



  • Manage appointments and events



  • Employee Budget

  • Employee Transfer

  • Contract Expiration

  • Quick Pay

  • Customer Complaints

Request Management Workflows

  • Equipment Supplies Request

  • Job Order

  • Vehicle Maintenance

  • Check Request

  • Free Goods Request


  • Budget Matrix that shows the availability of employees with respect to actual required employees for each job position at each branch and region


  • The required settings to manage the site, for example, site permission, SharePoint user group, regional settings in addition to defining customized site configuration parameters and establishing timed processes


  • Eliminates manual paper shuffling, fills in the gaps and improves the existing workflows

  • Because of the defined permission levels, only intended users will get intended information and can execute an intended task

  • Each day a user is loaded with different tasks and requests in their specific workbox. The Document Management system will help them to prioritize their task and complete them on time successfully

  • Easy to track the statuses of any work or task

  • It facilitates identifying bottlenecks at any stage and hence proper decision or solution can be taken at the right time

  • The confusion of sharing of document and information among several users is eliminated

  • A full audit trail of each document's changes are maintained


  • Framework: Microsoft .Net Framework

  • Database: Microsoft SQL-Server

  • Development Tool: Microsoft SharePoint Server Standard Edition, Nintex Forms, Nintex Workflows



To keep track of the information generated by different departments in an organization, a business typically uses a wide range of software programs, such as Excel, Access, and various other database applications. Using disparate software programs makes it difficult to retrieve information and perform analysis of data from a single source in real-time/on time. This creates the need for a single interface for fetching, analyzing, and presenting the data in a graphical format to make organization-wide decisions. The solution for clients requires a BI Tool which illustrates business intelligence in the areas of customer profiling, customer support, market research, market segmentation, product profitability, statistical analysis, and inventory and distribution analysis.



  • Fetching details from an ERP which may be utilizing different databases or data warehouses in SQL-Server and make it compatible with BI application

  • Process, analyze, and view the data in a more meaningful way using different graphical representations such as pie, bar, line, or gauge charts

  • Facilitate real-time updating of a new version of the application through the web interface

sail44 software provided a comprehensive set of templates for different clients on different BI platforms for a solution that accepts a wide range of market data, technical parameters, and financial and service planning inputs to tailor it to deliver real-time statistics that can be harnessed to align business functions to strategic objectives and attain realistic, profit-oriented decisions with following features:

  • Dynamic DB integration: User can select any database, view its columns in the desired order as well as apply filters on the results returned from the database

  • OLAP Feature: Optimized and trusted third party solution is integrated to achieve business intelligence factor in the application

  • Reports: SSAS & SSRS are used to generate customized reports that fulfill concepts of sheer data mining, relational reporting, financial reporting, business reporting and can be extensively used for budgeting, analyzing statistics and forecasting

  • Data Warehouse setup, synchronization, and snapshotting - design, set-up, and creation of data cubes and data lakes for consumption by the BI Tools

  • Time Registration Module: Scheduler and Manager of tasks to keep a check on the business activities by recording time entries of the personnel involved in the business

  • Digital Asset Management Module: A separate module to upload, view, share online catalogues, articles

  • Document management: User can upload a new document, make changes, and download it as necessary. All documents remain secure on the application server.

  • Funnel Management/Data Pipe (extensive and deep search module), Event Management (built-in calendar), Picture Gallery, RSS Feeds

  • Multi-themed dashboard set-ups to give clients the views needed by personnel at different levels in the organization

  • Rich visual representation of filtered data in a presentable manner by using efficient charting tool powered by enriched graphics.

  • Business strategy planner for managing schedules and tasks that help to keep an eye on what actually goes on in your business.


Clients are able to streamline the entire process of analyzing, identifying real-time statistics, and obtain results that support corporate strategy planning with a complete solution with detailed training and instructions. Clients draw many benefits that include seamless integrations with accounting and sales systems that create time savings, fact-based planning, and scheduling that manages planning, production, forecasting, sales, and quote processes.


  • Tools & Technology: Microsoft ASP.Net, C#, ASP MVC, Power BI, QlikView, Tableau

  • Database: Microsoft SQL-Server, SQL-Server Analysis Service

  • Reporting Tools: SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Service). ActiveReports, Wyn Enterprise



It is a challenge for Fortune 500 companies to manage insurance and risk processes from one, concise, cohesive system. The use of e-mail and spreadsheets stored on a network drive along with periodic monitoring of these items provides the level of sophistication that many of these companies use to track this information. As a result, staff spend time looking for and compiling data to keep policies up-to-date and as a result do not have the time to perform data analysis to reduce operating costs, increase safety, and drastically reduce allocated costs on individual claims.



A system capable of managing insurance policies, claims, risk, incidents, and Certificates of Insurance to provide a multi-faceted solution to a diverse set of risk management functional areas. The challenge was to develop the application which can be customized to cater to the needs of different business types. Adaptive functionality for report scheduling and ad-hoc report generation is built into the application’s framework. The resulting system is scalable, reliable, and highly secured to protect sensitive data.


sail44 software provided a web-based solution with the following features:

  • Manage all types of policies, broker, and carrier information

  • Enlist Policy details covering lines of businesses and cost centers

  • A detailed description of a policy covering damages due to fire, flood, wind, and theft

  • Add new claims for the policy covering business lines like worker compensation, auto liability, general liability, property liability, and executive risk

  • Search policy claims based on the details such as claimant, driver, date of accident, reporting date, claim status

  • Schedules payments

  • Easy vendor set up as claims are assigned to particular diaries for claims processors and reviewers

  • Maintain insurance documents along with attachments or notes added to the insurance policy

  • The claimant and insurance companies can be set up as recipients of e-mails for insurance letters and other related documents

  • Report Module for the generation of an insurance binder, policy summary report, claim summary report, ad-hoc report generation with extensive filter criteria like coverage letter and selectable output fields serving as the basis of customized reporting and data analysis

  • View and export user security rights and user logins

  • Maintain risk profiles to claim insurance policies

  • Manage and maintain insurance details which are relevant to the claims

  • Manage the incident details, claimed equipment and settlement


Claims Management application covers functional requirements for all client types. In many of the companies that have implemented this solution, they were able to reduce allocated costs on Worker's Compensation Claims by over 50% in just the first year - in many companies, this figure is in the millions of dollars.

  • Consolidates insurance-related information in one application

  • Manage and maintain risk profiles to effectively match claim insurance policies

  • Monitors and controls the cost of risk

  • Customizable Reports provide the right information at the right time

  • Auto scheduling functionality for reports to be distributed via e-mail or to a company network drive location


  • Technology: ASP.Net, C#, ASP MVC, JavaScript, jQuery, Web Services, Windows Services

  • Database: Microsoft SQL-Server

  • External Tools and Components: Fusion Charts


© 2023 by sail44 software

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